Speaker Details

Speaker 1

Dr Gayatri Mehta

Gayatri Mehta is an Associate Professor in the department of Electrical Engineering at the University of North Texas. She received her Ph. D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 2009. Her research interests are broadly in the areas of electronic design automation, reconfigurable computing, low-power VLSI design, system-on-a chip design, embedded systems, and portable/wearable computing. Dr. Mehta is the director of the Reconfigurable Computing Lab at UNT. She has received the 2017 UNT College of Engineering Faculty Research Award. She has designed an interactive mapping game UNTANGLED to uncover human mapping strategies. UNTANGLED received the People's Choice Award in the Games & Apps category of the 2012 International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge conducted by Science and National Science Foundation.

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