
Paper Submission

EasyChair Link

Paper Submission

  • Authors from India and abroad are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference.
  • All the papers submitted to the conference should be written in English with length four to six pages (4-6).
  • Simultaneous submissions (papers already submitted to other conferences/journals) are not allowed.
  • Submission should strictly follow recommended IEEE conference template, which can be found  here .
  • Plagiarism Check using Turnitin.
  • Papers having more than 20% plagiarism score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected/withdrawn without a formal review.
  • All the paper submission will be done on EasyChair conference management software.
  • Reviewer assignment will also be made using EasyChair.

Registration Fees

  • The EasyChair link would be available soon
  • The conference proceedings will get published online in (Coming soon)
  • The registration fees for the conference are as follows:
Registration Type Indian Foreign
Academics / Researchers ₹ 8000 $ 150
Students ₹ 8000 $ 150
Industry ₹ 10000 $ 150